Courageous Warrior

Once lost in wilderness, i was rescued by my prince, now a conqueror for HIS kingdom

Monday, October 03, 2005

poison ball

this became a game i play daily with satan
everytime the devil throws a poison ball at me,
i cast it unto the Lord

its been 1.5 months since i returned to Singapore
now i understood why i resisted coming back
i was afraid of playing poison ball with satan
i come into contact with negative people
i hear negative news
i hear worries, worries and more worries
the work of the devil is indeed very very subtle!
for a while i was fine....until i began to struggle
to a point where i was paralyzed with fear
what i know in my heart was soon replaced by fear,
as i stopped speaking out my faith
but God is awesome
where i missed the mark most, His grace much more abounded
He has taught me how to defeat the devil
take one day at the time. take no thought of tomorrow
Let not my heart be troubled. focus on one thing at a time
that simple
and most importantly, do not use my own words against myself
there is no power in satan's words
but we, as children of God, as kings and royal priesthood,
the words that we speak is authority and powerful
for a while, i had released negative words against myself
the devil has succeeded in making me believe his lies
that "it is so difficult"
but that is not true. Jesus said "it is not difficult elaine"

imagine a boxer
fighting a tough fight
his face swollen and bleeding
with his last breath, he dealt a deadly blow to his opponent
his opponent fell.
he won, however, was seriously injured
he returned home with the throphy and cash money
his wife is watching tv and munching chips
he gave his winnings to his wife
he, the boxer is a conqueror
she, the wife is more than a conqueror!

as i continue to confess these truth,
i am beginning to experience His shalom peace more and more
the only 'work' that i need to do is to SPEAK forth His will

Saturday, October 01, 2005

roaring lion

Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.
*seriously something is wrong*
lion don't go around roaring while looking for someone to devour
they focus, slowly, very quietly, slowly approach his prey and then POUNCE
the prey is dead
only powerless lion roars to instill fear and a false image of superiority
do not allow the defanged lion to "gum" you to death
lol. this is so funny. gum to death.