Courageous Warrior

Once lost in wilderness, i was rescued by my prince, now a conqueror for HIS kingdom

Friday, February 24, 2006

preach the WORD?

the WORD
what is the WORD?
preach the gospel, the good news
what is good news?
for so long i have heard that God loves me
i know He loves me
but i only know
i dare not believe it's true
i cannot understand how He can love someone so sinful
some people say God punishes
some people say God will get angry
some people say God will teach u a lesson
some people say God is pleased if u are obedient
some people say God leaves u when u sin and
'return' when u repent and confess your sin
some people say God wants u to do good
some people say God forgives u, but there are unpardonable sins?
when i heard the good news that God loves me and forgives all my sins
HE came to save me from destruction, i was glad for a moment
until i heard other preachings which contradicts what i wanted so much to believe
it gave me confusion and fear
i never believed God loves me
but God is faithful. He sets out to finish what He has started in my life
i may not know the bible from cover to cover
but one thing i know. i was once blind and now i see
i see God's heart for me. i believe He loves me
i believe He will always love me.
even when i fail Him, He will never fail me
the truth has dropped in my heart
no longer is it a head knowlwdge
He has made me gald and i say of the Lord
You are my strength, my shield, my refuge, my shelter in time of need
good news make u glad and it does not add burden