Courageous Warrior

Once lost in wilderness, i was rescued by my prince, now a conqueror for HIS kingdom

Friday, January 26, 2007

praying in the spirit

when God said that praying in tongues can bless me and bless others,
i made a concious effort to pray more.
i deliberately pray more frequently in tongues to a point i ask myself if i overdid it...
because it is a deliberate effort, i felt like 'am i working and not resting?'
then i finally decided that i will pray when i pray and be 'natural'
haha that is a LIE the devil wants us to believe!!
recently Ps Prince preached that praying in tongues is of GRACE
no matter how much you pray, you will not fall under 'works'
what a terrible lie the devil has managed to plant in me!
now i am going to pray with a vengence, the devil is going to regret his initial evil plan.
cos it has backfired and became a blessing instead!

i remembered Ps Mark preached that christian is invincible; that we have the holy spirit in us
i asked God. how/when can i become invincible??
seems that i am busy defending each time the devil attacks. trials after trials. i am trying to regain my balance...

then i was reminded to PUT ON the whole armour of God. put on? means it can be removed ya.
1) the helmet of salvation
2) breastplate of righteousness
3) belt of truth
4) shoes of peace
5) shield of faith
6) sword of the spirit

all these while i have mostly been protecting myself with items 1 to 5.
the devil can't hurt me but means that i am forever subjected to his taunting!
but fret not. i have the sword of the spirit which the devil is afraid of.
how to be invincible?
no prize for the correct answer!
watch out devil. you know not who you are messing with.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007


woohoo...its the beginning of a new year!
so exciting. in 2004 i looked forward to 2005
2005 i looked forward to 2006.
2006 i looked forward to 2007.
each year is getting better! seems like there is a season for each year.
the anticipation is growing and i am really excited to wait to see His goodness.
2007 was ushered in with a pleasant surprise...fireworks so close...about 10m?
i was in KL with a friend and was having supper at a mamak store in a quiet neighbourhood
another shop nearby actually displayed fireworks to usher in the new year
i was at the right place at the right time!
no need to squeeze in the crowd
no need to get stuck in traffic jams
i felt so priviledged. my friend said it has never happen in that place before.

this year i determined to read the bible consistently
its something God has placed in my heart but i never gotten around doing it.consistently.
God help me not to be distracted by my fav canto dramas!
....come sit on my lap and I will teach you. I will show you My greatness and splendor...